Γκρινιάρα θα με πείτε! όμως τα πράγματα πρέπει να λέγονται με το όνομά τους! η τάση να μοστράρουμε βραβεία για να ανεβάσουμε τη φήμη μας υπάρχει στους δικηγόρους χάρη σε διάφορα καλόπαιδα που μας προτείνουν να τα λάβουμε.
Ποτέ μου δεν τα πίστεψα, όπως ποτέ δεν ψάρωσα σε ανάλογα διαφημιστικά κόλπα.
Ομως υπάρχουν και προς απόδειξη σας προτείνω ένα που δεν απάντησα καν ποτέ και εμμένει δηλώνοντας και την τιμή του βραβείου (που διάβολε δεν είναι και σπουδαία).
Η φήμη των ανθρώπων δημιουργείται με τον καιρό και διασταυρώνεται μέσω των έργων και των λόγων του.
Η φήμη των δικηγόρων είναι συνάρτηση πολλών παραμέτρων χωρίς τούτο να σημαίνει ότι δεν υπάρχουν άριστοι που κρύβονται σαν τα καβούρια κάτω από τους βράχους.
Η εξωστρέφεια είναι μία προϋπόθεση για τη φήμη ιδίως σε μεγάλες κοινωνίες που δεν είμαστε γνωστοί όλοι (αντίθετα στις μικρές πόλεις …)
Εξωστρέφεια όμως δεν σημαίνει και μπουρδολογία.
Ας με συγχωρήσουν οι συνάδελφοι που κοσμούν τα γραφεία τους και πληρώνουν για καταχωρήσεις στον τύπο όμως η αλήθεια είναι απλή. Αγγλοσαξωνικές βλακείες που πωλούνται φθηνά. Αυτό είναι όλο. Μη μασάτε.
Η φήμη και η αξία κοστίζουν πολύ περισσότερο
Πονάνε και απαιτούν κόπους.
Μάλιστα με την ευκαιρία να θυμίσω ότι βεβαιότητα για την αξία είναι το πετροβολητό καθώς όπως λέει ο λαός
“την καρποφόρα μηλιά πετροβολούν”‘
Συνεπώς συνάδελφοι νέοι και παλαιοί ο κόπος και ο μόχθος παραμένουν σημάδια αξίας. Ετσι γλυτώνετε και τα σιδερώματα στον πλαστικό και τα λεφτά σας στην απονομή βραβείων.

From: Awards@intladviser.com [mailto:Awards@intladviser.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 10:15 PM
To: trova@justar.gr
Subject: Follow up

Dear Eleni,
I Hope you are well.
We are due to finalise the awards soon and as we have not heard back from you I thought I would follow up with you one last time to establish if there was any interest on your behalf.
I have summed up the options to get involved in the Legal Awards Winners Handbook below, profiling and listing winning firms who would like to promote their success. Please do let me know if you would like to take this further. If not then I wish you the best of luck with all future endeavours.
The options to get involved are as follows:
· Option 1: £150
o 12 Months on the online network listed as an award winner with individual profile page showcasing firm’s services and full contact details.
o Details posted on the award winners list
o Unlimited article upload to website during the 12 months
o Details sent out to 50,000+ subscribers as well as 10,000 social media followers
· Option 2: £200
o Everything above plus a two page editorial/article in the legal awards digital handbook with full firm branding. Handbook will be posted across various news platforms
· Option 3: £250
o Everything above plus a full page A4 digital advert in the handbook
With all the digital handbook options we will provide you with a PDF of your inclusion so that you can further promote your success.
The handbook will enable you to emphasise your expertise so that our subscribers and people you choose to inform your success of can get a better understanding of capabilities and success. I would highly recommend you take one of the options above into consideration if you are keen to showcase your success and support the legal awards process.
With any of the above options we will send you a simple template to fill in, from which we will compile both your online and handbook profiles.

From: Awards@intladviser.com [mailto:Awards@intladviser.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 13 August 2014 2:07 AM
To: trova@justar.gr
Subject: Follow up

Dear Eleni,
I am following up on my colleague Adam’s email below.
I was hoping you may have had the opportunity to review the email and reach a decision on receiving the award and inclusion within the digital global awards handbook.
If you have any questions or would like me to send more information please do let me know.
Best wishes,

—–Original Message—–
From: Awards@intladviser.com [mailto:Awards@intladviser.com]
Sent: 17 July 2014 6:30
To: trova@justar.gr
Subject: International Legal Awards 2014

Dear Eleni,
I hope you are well.
I have great pleasure in informing you that your firm has been selected for the International Legal Awards 2014, by the Professional Sector Network.
The Professional Sector Network is an online network and platform for likeminded advisors from across the globe to refer work, and showcase services.
Over the past few months our researchers have been gathering information on firms and advisors from around the world in relation to work carried out, client satisfaction, results and achievements. This has largely been achieved by speaking with international clients, associations and other advisers/firms.
As mentioned your firm has been selected for an award, if you would like more information on the award, how to receive the award winners logo, how to get involved with the legal awards handbook that will be produced for winners to showcase their success or have any other questions please do feel free to come back to me and I will be more than happy to answer any questions.
Can I also request that if you have no interest in receiving the award or being involved with the Professional Sector Network that you please let me know so that we do not follow up with you on this matter.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Adam Ray
The Professional Sector Network
1902 Media Ltd | 78 York Street | London West End | W1H 1DP
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